Aug 3, 2010

Launch party!

I'm tickled pink to announce that Blood & Ashes, the debut novel by the charming and talented Mark Loeffelholz, has been released into the wild this week. A detective novel of the hard-boiled variety, Blood & Ashes is set in Miami Beach, just after the Pearl Harbor bombing. Tension! Violence! Femmes fatales! 1935 Ford Roadsters in high-speed chases!

Ahem. This book was a pleasure to edit, and I thoroughly advocate visiting the website at, where you can pick up a copy and support a talented author who I look forward to working with again in the future.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It sounds like a very fun alliance.

Anonymous said...

I've ordered my autographed copy and posted it on Facebook. Can't wait to indulge in the guilty pleasure of le monde vintage of hard-boiled detective

Mark Loeffelhol said...

Thanks so much, Erin---you're a delight to work with, and you made this book better on every single page...I'll let you know when the next one's ready...

Scott said...

I picked it up on Kindle and I'll read it after I'm finished with Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. the Kindle link wasn't on his website though. I had to search for it directly on the Kindle bookstore.

Anonymous said...

I'm just beginning Chapter 7, Playing With Fire (one of my favorite Rolling Stones songs). This is definitely a hard-boiled detective novel in the old style.

Very enjoyable. I love the way he paints a pastel picture of WWII Miami Beach.